Enjoy the detours!


Color Shade Finder: While working on my Neovim, Alacritty and Wezterm themes, this page was of great help. Link: https://colors.artyclick.com/color-shades-finder/

Simplify Component Imports with TypeScript Namespaces: It always felt odd with exporting Props or ButtonProps. The idea here is by using Namespaces, and I really like this. Link: https://sergiodxa.com/tutorials/simplify-component-imports-with-typescript-namespaces

Barrel Files in JS: If a project I'm on has these files, I try to argue that we don't should use barrel files. This article sums it up quite nicely, and I will refer to it, in the future. Link: https://tkdodo.eu/blog/please-stop-using-barrel-files

Blog to read: I've found this while on research and liked every article I've read so far. Link: https://devsparks.goooseman.dev/

Loser Lane Game: A little browser game. Which reminds me of a time, where I lived and biked in Berlin. Link: https://marieflanagan.com/loserlane/

Text2Metal: I need something like this as a Screenreader. :D Link 1: Link 2:

42 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #links

Thoughts? Discuss...

Last week, I finished watching Veep.

I love every aspect of the series. It can be funny as hell but also can punch you in the stomach. Like Scrubs in the US-Politics.

They started to change the storyline in Season 6, which makes sense at this point. I didn't like the turn so much, but I got used to it.

There is one thing I didn't like from the start. How the Veep Selina is treating her daughter. I know it fits into the tone of the character, but after some “jokes” it was too much for me and an annoying part of the series. As I said, it fits to the tone and the story of the character but, sometime, less is more.

But what was the best part of the show? Clearly Gary and Mike. These characters were sooo goofy, I always laughed out loud when said did something funny. Moreover, the background stuff that was going on. Occasionally, I wasn't following the main story because some characters did something in the background. I wonder how much of the jokes were improvised.

One character that also stood out was Jonah. I liked how he was a self-destructed fool with pure luck. Sadly, the luck was more to keep him in the series. Later in the series, I did not like what he represented, but most of his scenes were also funny. And a bonus point for him, he is a metal guy in the series. 🤘

I can recommend this series to everyone. And I also want to watch it again, someday. :)

41 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #series #watchingTv

Thoughts? Discuss...

I've decided to get back on this series and rename it to just #links

Refactoring absolute paths to relative ones: This is an example in VScode. While refactoring some code in my current Project, this was helpful. Link: https://dev.to/fes300/refactoring-absolute-paths-to-relative-ones-in-vscode-3iaj

Be findable: I like what Thorsten wrote or refers to. Also, the quote of Steve Martin here is a thing, everybody should have as a Mantra. Link: https://registerspill.thorstenball.com/p/be-findable

Local, first, forever: Local-First is something I always wanted to implement in my projects and also something at least every app should do. Link: https://tonsky.me/blog/crdt-filesync/

Writing HTML by hand is easier than debugging your static site generator Link: https://logicgrimoire.wordpress.com/2024/07/01/writing-html-by-hand-is-easier-than-debugging-your-static-site-generator/

40 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #links


I realized that I have 63 days left for the #100DaysToOffload challenge. I could still make it. But I need to do at least 1 post a day.

Since my last post, I’ve lost 5 days without a new post. Which indicates me, that I’m still not used to writing regularly. Maybe the challenge inside the challenge can help. 1 Post a day. 😅

Let’s try reaching the goal. I’m still confident that I can reach 100 posts in one year. 👌

39 of #100DaysToOffload



This is a little gem I've found. In the future, this can save some lines of code.

An example implementation could be:

:root {
  --theme-bg-light: #eeeeee;
  --theme-bg-dark: #111111;

.my-component {
  background-color: light-dark(var(--theme-bg-light), var(--theme-bg-dark));

I'm excited to use this feature in non-tailwind projects. :)

38/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #dev #css


I finally took the State of JS 2024 survey. It was surprising how much was new for me. But, looking back in 2024, I think it is ok, that I had not the time and motivation to keep up. On the other hand, this survey felt strange because it asked a lot about how much I used different Frameworks. Which is basically justifiable, but the same frameworks were included in multiple questions. With most of the frameworks, I was familiar. I've checked their docs in the past and for the most, I was not interested in building a project with it. So, if nothing new comes up, I will stick with ReactJS and Next.js for a while. 😎

80 points — Of the 40 features mentioned in the survey, you have used 8 and heard of 0 more, which puts you in the top 67% of all respondents. Well done!

I've also taken the State of (HTML | CSS | ReactJS) surveys this year and in the years before. Next time, I write about them. This year I missed it. 🤷

37/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #dev #survey #stateOf


I've read the 5 books by Karsten Dusse, a German writer. A nice story about Bjorn Diemel and his way to a better work-live balance through mindfulness. It's a guide wrapped inside a story which makes fun to read. Netflix also released an 8 piece series about it. The makers of the series did an impressive job, transferring the book into a visual format. So, give the books or the series a try. It's worth it. 🙂

Some techniques mentioned in there are, for example, breathing. When in a stressful situation, stand straight and breathe. Feel everything around you. How does the floor feel under your feed? What do your hands feel, the material of your pants or jacked? And so on.

On Sunday, I needed exactly this. I was cooking with my oldest, while the little one was lurking around us in the kitchen. Both kids have the habit of not caring whether the other one has a problem or requires attention. The number 1 rule for them is (they think this is a rule), who screams louder is the one who gets attention. (We try not to obey this rule) So while I was cooking with the oldest and explained to him what and why I was doing the cooking, the little one required attention. I don't know why, but at some point it got chaotic. My oldest was asking questions and the little wanted to share his ball and was insisting that you will take it. Then the pot boiled over.


While driving in my car today, I had a good topic I wanted to write about. But while driving the car, I didn’t want to make notes about it.

Sadly, it is gone. Next time I should just stop at the next possible location and write it down. Or send myself a voice message.

While writing this post, the idea came up, that I also can write it via Siri. Just set a reminder with some information. 🧐

35/100 of #100DaysToOffload



Over the summer, I thought about the bruegge.dev domain and realized it didn’t quite feel like the right fit. I began exploring other options to see what else might suit my style. I noticed that some users from the #100DaysToOffload community use .xyz domains, which I found appealing.

For a few years, I’ve owned several barfooz domains, and I’ve always wanted to create a blog using one of them. In fact, that was the reason I bought my first barfooz domain in the first place!

The name barfooz is something I came up with, combining the developer placeholder variables foo and bar. The result has a nice sound, almost like “barefoot” or Barfuß in German. And to make it a little cooler, I added a z at the end. 😎

I've already updated all my mastodon posts to link to the new domain. ✅

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Finally, I've updated the blog style to the colors I'm also using in my terminal. The colors are a part of a package where I've created color schemes for Alacritty, Wezterm and Neovim. It is on my to-do list to release it soon. Lately, I've played around with ChatGPT to create a cool mascot-image for the package. Stupid that this is holding me back from releasing it. But some things need a cherry on top.

Here is an example of what I got so far: Reactjs Code as an example to show the colorscheme for neovim.
