Enjoy the detours!


We went to see The Hirsch Effekt and Better Lovers at the Berghain Berlin. And it was remarkable. One of the best shows of 2024. I'm a long-time fan of The Hirsch Effekt. Saw them the last time at With Full Force. (Can't remember the year anymore) And Better Lovers with their first EP crushed it. Sadly, their full-length record is not the best. I like some songs, and it's overall just “okisch”.


With this post, I only have 5 more to go to complete the #100DaysToOffload.

My plan was to finish some old concert posts, but currently I only have time to write posts on my mobile phone.

Because of my illness, I’ve lost some days working in our basement to complete the new kids' playroom. We are at the finishing line. I only need to cut some plywood, paint it white and add skirting board to the walls.

When the kids' room is finished, I need to focus on the stairs. I took them out. Now I have to sand them, replace some rotten parts and paint it all white.

After the stairs are finished, the rest of the walls can be finished and painted as well. And I can put more vinyl on the floor. Which makes the basement nearly complete. I hope we can archive this in Q1. Which would be great because I have countless things planned for the outside of our house. For example, extending the kid's playhouse and improving some things for the pool. My wife also wanted to have some trees planted so that the neighbors can look into our garden. A huge to-do list awaits for Q1 and Q2. 😅

95 of #100DaysToOffload
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I love when client work, works as expected. If I feel overwhelmed, I have to tackle each task one by one. Sounds like I got this from a YouTube video. Maybe I have. I can’t remember. 😂

94 of #100DaysToOffload
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  • yesterday was more of a weaker day and everything took longer, and I needed more breaks
  • besides that, I needed to refill hour pellet storage and I moved 34x packs with 15 kg 😅
  • client work has slowed down and I need to catch up a little today
  • I like that Project Zomboid is getting a new hype with Build 42
  • excluding this post, 7 left to go, to get to 100 ⚡

93 of #100DaysToOffload
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Raycast released a new feature which lets you focus more on your current task. You can define a name, time, and apps which should be blocked at this time. They also have some groups of apps. For example, Social Media, Messaging and so on. You can also block single websites, which was not working for me in Firefox or Vivaldi. So, blocking websites is then no option for me.

So, overall, it's a good Idea but not really commonly usable. Moreover, if I block MS Teams, I don't want it to be closed and appear offline. It should still be open and not making any noise or distracting me. Maybe this feature will grow over time and they will add some things.

92 of #100DaysToOffload
#log #raycast
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  • yesterday evening I made some progress for my client and I think I've managed good by prioritizing the different tasks
  • I've made some posts to keep up with the #100DaysToOffload challenge
  • looked through my photos and planned to write the rest of the concert posts from 2024
  • my health is getting better and better, I'm still not able to sleep through, so I had a waking phase of an hour at night
  • but overall, each new day I'm able to do more 🥳

91 of #100DaysToOffload
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And with this post, I have 10 posts left. I really don't like the pressure. I was already late, before I got ill. But I have some post left, I could have written in the summer. If I don't make it, it is completely my fault, and I'm aware of it. But, so close to the end, I would rather not give up. I only see the weekend as my weak-end…😅 So, roll up your arms and go. 🏋️

90 of #100DaysToOffload
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When you share code with a colleage, it is always nice to have the line-numbers and filename + path added. With this little helper, it is just a keystroke away: YankCode.


A blast from the past. We saw Asinhell some time ago, precisely on 18/06/24, so nearly half a year ago. And it was wonderful. The concert was one of the shorter ones. We believe it was there to just fill some empty days between festival shows, and I appreciate this. They also shot a Video in this club, which was nice. My friend and I can be seen in it for a quick second.


Today marks my first real workday, feeling better after a challenging one and a half weeks of illness. While I’m grateful to be on the mend, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that has piled up. Both of my clients have urgent tasks that need my attention, and the pressure is mounting.

On the bright side, I have the house to myself today, which provides a rare opportunity for focus and clarity. I’m determined to create a plan that will help me tackle my clients' needs efficiently.

As I dive into this busy day, I’m reminded of the importance of balance and prioritization. Here’s to making the most of this newfound energy and turning challenges into achievements!
