Enjoy the detours!


We went to the ORWOhaus in Berlin to see Illdisposed. Haven't seen them in a long while, and I really like their newly released record. In preparation of the concert, I've looked Persecutor up and was excited to see them too.


We went to see The Hirsch Effekt and Better Lovers at the Berghain Berlin. And it was remarkable. One of the best shows of 2024. I'm a long-time fan of The Hirsch Effekt. Saw them the last time at With Full Force. (Can't remember the year anymore) And Better Lovers with their first EP crushed it. Sadly, their full-length record is not the best. I like some songs, and it's overall just “okisch”.


A blast from the past. We saw Asinhell some time ago, precisely on 18/06/24, so nearly half a year ago. And it was wonderful. The concert was one of the shorter ones. We believe it was there to just fill some empty days between festival shows, and I appreciate this. They also shot a Video in this club, which was nice. My friend and I can be seen in it for a quick second.


Yesterday on 14/12/24, we went to these 3 fantastic bands. And there was also Chelsea Grin, which we watched from the background.

Vitriol, their bass player had quit the tour before, so it was more of a duet. I felt a bit sorry for them, but they did an excellent job. In the last two songs, the guitar players' string has torn and while the drummer continued to play, the guitar player changed to another guitar. I wish they had a full line up and were not the first band on this evening. Despite everything, we had a lot of fun with them. 🤘

Despised Icon, last time I've seen them was at the sucks’n’summer 2010 festival. 14 years ago. What a long time. So much has happened since then. Also for the band. They split up for 4 years and made 2 records which I love and listen to regularly. Besides one song they did not play, I was completely satisfied with the Setlist. They even played Retina, one of my favorite songs of all their records. ❤️ I hope they will play more shows in Germany in the future. Maybe they release a record in 2025 and go on a big tour. Who knows? 🤷 I'd be all for it.


Since my last concert related post, I was on many more concerts which I did not blog about. I plan to catch up on this and write about them all. 😎

The evening started early at 6:30 PM and had a tight schedule. Which was helpful in my condition. Because I had slept less than 4hrs in that night before. 😅

Testament on Stage, covered in green and white lights. Testament, my personal main act that evening. They had an awesome energy, and they looked like they were up for it. They had fun and I had it with them. It is fascinating what a powerful voice Chuck Billy has despite his age. He could be my father. 😅 They played for 1hr, and it felt like 20 min. Aaaand they had a ton of guitar picks.

Anthrax on Stage, covered in yellow-green and red lights. Anthrax. I'm honest. I know the name of the band. I know that Scott Ian is their rhythm guitarist, and I see him a lot on social media. But I didn't know more about this band. So, I was curious what I will see and here. They started with a long video where famous people talked about them. The video was toooo long, and they had've could play it while they made the change on the stage. But anyway. The first songs came in and the voice of the singer was not what I expected. And then, they started the song “madhouse”. Which I knew from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Now, I was hooked. 🤟They played more than an hour. Around 70 min. It made a lot of fun watching and hearing them. Some Song I will definitely add to my playlist.

Kreator on Stage, covered in purple lights. Kreator, it was a short one. We watched 2 or 3 songs and then we left. I listened to a record of them from around 2017 (Gods of Violence) and they were better than expected. So planned to stay the whole show. But man, that was not my kind of show and sound. One positive point, their stage setting was the best on this evening. So, after 2–3 songs, my friend and I looked at each other and silently noded and we left.

54 of #100DaysToOffload

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I think this is the first time, the YouTube algorithm hits a nerve.

The Wolston Butchers channeling everything I love about Skatepunk or Melodicpunk. It's like all the great bands in this scene had a baby which grew up in perfect conditions.

Sadly, they are quite young and don't have enough output to fulfill my needs. 😅 But I'm all-in for every new release from them.

51 of #100DaysToOffload

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Reset Wienerstr. 34 Kreuzberg

Going to this concert was spontaneous. A friend said he was going and I had time. I was keen on seeing Escuela Grind. So I ordered a ticket some days before the concert. And the last one was ~5 weeks ago, so it was about time. 😅

Death Crusade, a Band from Poland. We watched them from the back. I liked the instrumental parts, but the vocals were too uninflected. For the last song, the Rotten Sound Singer came on the stage and sang some parts. Which had a nice touch to it.

Escuela Grind, they played like nothing else. It was a great concert and I had a lot of fun watching them. They are playing their ass off and you see and feel it. Despite some bad news I've read, they did an excellent concert and ended too soon. The last song they played was “one more song” after the audience screamed for more, and it had clean vocals in it. I don't know how to feel about it. Sounded strange. But ok. To each their own. It seemed all had fun, and this is the most important thing.

Escuela Grind live on stage in purple light.

Rotten Sound, quite an institution. I had a lot of fun watching these veterans. Sadly, for my taste, they played a bit too long. Maybe it was the heat in the club. It was really hot in there, and you got sweaty just from standing. But you saw that they had fun playing, which I liked. 😊

Rotten Sound live on stage in blue light.

According to my calendar, the next concert will be Asinhell on 18.09. in Berlin. 🤘

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Cattle Decapitation Tour Poster from Lido Berlin

🤘 Today, I make this a quick one. On March 25, we went to see Cattle Decapitation. Before they started playing, there were 3 Bands playing before, Vomit Forth, 200 Stab Wounds and Signs of the Swarm.

Vomit Forth was a kind of refreshing. From the 3 Bands, the one I liked most. Only the singer was shouting too much to get the crowd dancing. 😅

200 Stab Wounds, I don't know what to say about them. They got a lot of hype lately, but I can't understand why. Sounded to my like young Ektomorf. What is not bad, but I'm enjoyed the original more.

Signs of the Swarm, like Lorna Shore? The sound was awful. Too much from everything. Also, they had some kind of choreography. Which is not bad, but if you see or feel it, then I think it is not well done.

Cattle Decapitation, finally they started playing. And it was worth the wait! All of them did an impressive job, and Travis is such a beast on the microphone. They played for ~1 hour, and they could have played some hours more with me not getting tired of seeing and hearing them. Sadly, they didn't play an encore. But I hope I can see them again. 🫡

One funny thing that evening was a guy who filmed others, while they filmed the band. Every time someone started filming in front of him, he started to and zoomed in. Interesting Kink, I guess? 😂

Cattle Decapitation on Stage in front of a crowd

The next planned concert will be Asinhell on June 18. So no concert post from me for some time. 🙃

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Pommesgabel Tour 2024 which shows the band Heavysaurus on a yellow background and the tour dates.

Two shows on March 16. Quite an undertaking. 😅

Heavysaurus was the first show of the day, with my oldest son. We had VIP tickets for a meet and greet with the dinos. Before the show, there was the meet and greet. There was a demarcated area, where the dinos will show up. We stood in a line and each kid could take some time with them. We took photos and my son asked some questions. Later, the dinos swarmed out and everyone could talk to the individual dinos and take photos, which we also did.

One hour later, the show started. They played many new songs and ended with some good old ones. 🤘 I'm not a real fan of the new songs, and I see that my son isn't either. In the end, we've had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show. I liked the idea that the demarcated area was also the pit for the kids, where they could dance, jump and celebrate the dinos from there.

Heavysaurus on stage in red light.

After the Heavysaurus show, I was in a rush. I had ~3 hours to reach the next show. With the car, I drove ~1 hour to drop my son at home and then took the train to the next location. It worked exact as planned. Which is not a usual thing. 🤣 One week before the Meshuggah show started, they announced that they will start 1 hour earlier because they wanted to close on time at 11 pm.

Tour dates on a black background and a burning skeleton.

I arrived with the last songs of The Halo Effect. I missed Mantar completely. The venue was full. Really full. It was challenging to find my friend there. But found him. What I heard from The Halo Effect was nice, and I was sad that I missed three-fourths of their set. But I'm sure I will see them sometime again. In the end, nothing more to say. They did a fantastic job and the crowd seemed to enjoy them.

The Halo Effect on stage in green lights.

After the change, Meshuggah started playing. From our original position, we moved away because there were too many drunken people, which was annoying. After a second move, we were standing in the last row, which was good enough. Never saw a location so crowded. But we were there for Meshuggah. From start to end, it was just a MASSIVE bulldozer that rolled over you, which left my speechless. Sadly, the lighting was a bit distracting, which is the reason I don't have any images. I assume that the lights were wanted so that you can't take images or videos of the show. The result was that you had a hard time, watching them. :( This has pro and cons. Overall, I still liked the show and was pleased to be there.

📋 Meshuggah Setlist

It was a stressful but nice day. We had a lot of fun. :)

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#live #music #concert


Image with Tour dates of the Euro + UK Tour 2024

On Tuesday, 12 March, the evening started with Great Falls (https://greatfalls.bandcamp.com/). After the first songs, I realized that it is not my kind of music. They had a lot of presence on stage, especially the bassist. So it made fun to watch them. And with every song, they grew on me and I liked their songs more and more. But then, they played their last song and sadly, it was a +14 min song with many melodic parts, which is not bad but was not the right song to end their show.

After a break, Botch (https://botch.bandcamp.com/) started to play. And it was a delight. You felt the energy in the hole location. Everyone was happy to see them, and Botch seemed thrilled to play the show. The location was sold out, and we were a bit sad that they moved from Festsaal Kreuzberg to BiNuu, which was a significant smaller location. The BiNuu had a good sound for the size of this location, and the location was full. So it was good at the end. We had a lot of fun watching the guys play, and they played a really long show. There were tears and many laughs between the songs. Botch announced that this will be the last show they will ever play in Berlin. So it was more of a farewell show and tour. It was nice to witness all of this.

Watching the show of Botch from the back, where the Singer stands surrounded with yellow light.

I hope Botch will some day play again in Germany, even if they currently say otherwise.

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