Thoughts about my last week

Sadly, one week without progress on #TheMonthProject. The weather was dry and cold, so I spent a lot of time with my oldest in the woods. Goofing around, throwing stones into the frozen pond, collecting sticks for a bonfire we plan to do, or just talking and playing with our invented superpowers. I needed this time. And today it also snowed. So I fetched both kids earlier from the Kindergarten so that we can sled from our small hill in the woods and build a snowman afterward.

Besides spending some quality time, I've had a lot to do in one of my projects. Where most of the work is now done for the big release. Now I can slow down a bit here and can concentrate on other things. Funny coincidence, I've got a call from one of my old projects, that they require help. Because I have so much time to spare, I said yes. (This was a joke, I never have time to spare.) 😎 There is always something to do, but I like to help and to build a better reputation.

After this call, we've decided that I need to outsource some work in our garden. Mostly removing old plants and roots, dinging a pit for our pool in summer and some other small stuff, which takes a lot of time. I like this work because you don't have to think a lot here. Just do the work. Some kind of meditation. But I know that I don't have this time until the springs comes. So I have to admit that we need help here. Besides my projects, we also have the basement, which needs to get done. My wife decided that it should be done until her birthday in April. The help with the garden is now a good compromise. And I'm happy with this solution. 😀

That's it for today. Just some random things that came to my mind about what's going on in my life right now.

06 of #100DaysToOffload
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