Enjoy the detours!


Image of For I am King - https://foriamking.nl/

Last week on 19.01. we were on the record release show from Tenside. A metal band from Bavaria. But I was especially there to see the band For I am King.

The show was packed with 3 bands:

  • Oklahoma Kid from Rostock
  • For I am King from Netherlands
  • Tenside from Bavaria

It started with Oklahoma Kid. The first song sounded good, but then song after song they went softer and softer. The singer did a good job and was the highlight of the band. Overall, it was nothing for me.

Next, For I am King started. Alma wore a Dragon Ball Z 🐉 shirt. This caught me off guard and I liked it. Sadly, the sound in the location was terrible. For Oklahoma Kid it was ok because it was not a giant wall of sound. So, if you were not familiar with the songs, you had a hard time understanding and maybe having fun with the gig. For me, it was ok, but for my friend I brought with, he had a hard time enjoying it. I hope I can see FIaK again but then in a different location. In the end, for me, I enjoyed it, had fun watching and listening to this outstanding band. :)

At last, Tenside played. Usually, I'm not an early quitter, but we left after 2 songs because the sound was as terrible as with For I am King. I've listened to 1 record from Tenside in the past, and I've recognized one of the 2 songs, and it was good. But still, not my favorite kind of music anymore.

4/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#live #music #concert
