And with this post, I have 10 posts left. I really don't like the pressure. I was already late, before I got ill. But I have some post left, I could have written in the summer. If I don't make it, it is completely my fault, and I'm aware of it. But, so close to the end, I would rather not give up. I only see the weekend as my weak-end…😅 So, roll up your arms and go. 🏋️
When you share code with a colleage, it is always nice to have the line-numbers and filename + path added. With this little helper, it is just a keystroke away: YankCode.
A blast from the past. We saw Asinhell some time ago, precisely on 18/06/24, so nearly half a year ago. And it was wonderful. The concert was one of the shorter ones. We believe it was there to just fill some empty days between festival shows, and I appreciate this. They also shot a Video in this club, which was nice. My friend and I can be seen in it for a quick second.
Today marks my first real workday, feeling better after a challenging one and a half weeks of illness. While I’m grateful to be on the mend, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that has piled up. Both of my clients have urgent tasks that need my attention, and the pressure is mounting.
On the bright side, I have the house to myself today, which provides a rare opportunity for focus and clarity. I’m determined to create a plan that will help me tackle my clients' needs efficiently.
As I dive into this busy day, I’m reminded of the importance of balance and prioritization. Here’s to making the most of this newfound energy and turning challenges into achievements!
A helper I don't want to miss is, treesj. Simply split or join blocks in Neovim. For example, if-conditions to shorthand ifs or objects. Sometime is it is annoying when you have one-liner code which you will extend, and have to split first by hand. Usually, the Formatter solves this on file save. But every so often you want it to do it by yourself.
I was a long-term ranger user. And I still love this file-manager for the terminal. But sadly, with my move to macOS, something was not working right, and I had no time to invest, to see what the problem. (Mostly graphical issues). So I was on a search for a new terminal file manager which also works inside Neovim. With tfm.nvim, found something nice because it supported multiple terminal file managers. And because yazi was here the default, and it worked well for me, I settled with yazi. Simpler than I initially thought. 😅
This is the first I feel good and like a human again. From last Friday to Saturday, I got the fever again. I thought I was through but no. Since yesterday, I'm eating again, which is a HUGE improvement. Before, just thinking about food and eating it made me exhausted. So I tried just a simple broth and is given me my life back.
The last seven days were crazy, and I'm thankful that they are over. I can't remember when the last time was, where I was sick for a whole week. Not only that, so sick that I exclusively was lying on the couch or in bed and doing nothing.
I started the day by bringing the oldest to day care. My first walk outside and only 500m, but I needed 3 breaks from walking. It is insane how much my body has lost. The scale tells me the same. In this week, I've lost nearly 5 kg. Hopefully, I'm able to keep the weight or can lose more. 😅
Now that I'm somehow fit again, I will start working slowly. It is funny that I require breaks from just sitting at my desk.
Day 4 and it got better. Since yesterday evening, it seems like the fever is gone. Which is good, but I still need to rest a lot and feel like I participated in a marathon where I had to fight zombies throwing aliens.
Because I still spend most of my day on the couch, lying there like a dirty stinking bag of clothes, I had time to watch Fast Furious 10. First time, I liked the big bad guy, played by Jason Momoa. The action was Michael Bay action, and the CGI was below Marvel CGI Level. One good thing besides Momoa was the Plot. Having a Badguy taking all away from Dom was fresh to watch.
One thing I was wandering, why was Mia without her Children? I had in mind that she had at least one child with Brian. (I did the research and they had 2 children). They met at Doms house for a Family BBQ and not all Family members were there. 🤷
Still sick as fuck like on Monday. I hoped it will get better in 3 Days. Yesterday morning, I felt great. Took a shower and went outside with the kids. But man, my body tricked me into something. After lunch, I was completely wasted and was unable to stand up just to go to the bathroom.
Luckily, I had some time on the couch and binged the whole first season of X-Men '97. And wow, what a great show. Marvel Animations did something great here. I hope they can deliver the same with Season 2. One of the best Marvel content on Disney+.
Theoretically, today should be entirely different. The kids should be in child care. My wife and I should work. I should do workout. Which I miss since we started our vacation more than 2 weeks ago.
Instead, the kids and I are sick with the Flu. What a nice way to start into the new year. 😷 Every 2–3 years, I get so sick that I can’t do anything. Besides lying in bed or on the couch. Which I never do. When I lie on the couch, my wife knows that I’m sick. It’s not unusual that I get sick. But for the most time, it’s just an annoying part of the day. I drink some ginger tea and everything is fine. But now, with fever, it’s a complete different level of sickness.
I hope that this will not interrupt my #100DaysToOffload. My plan was also to start with #TheMonthProject, but I don’t see me starting in this week. 😩