What did I do the last 3 Weeks? The last 3 weeks passed very quickly, and I thought I had nothing to say. But there is something. ๐
With my current client, I'm switching between 2 notebooks. My MacBook Pro and the Windows Thinkpad from my client. When I'm done working for my client, I usually don't have the motivation to sit on my MacBook to do something. I even leave tax matters lying around and don't process them. But when I have the motivation, I work on my private side project, on which I will tell more, when the next milestone is completed.
The Good
๐ I've started buying 4k Blu-rays of movies I really like and watched more than 2โ3 times. Just because, often, I had this problem, that I wanted to watch the movie, but it was not on a streaming service, I pay for. I know it is not a minimalistic way, which I try to live as far as possible. But for me, it is Ok collecting stuff, I love.
๐งโ๐ป There is progress on my client's project. I'm now able to work in some way. ๐
I completed the first tickets and worked out some new tickets where I clean up the project and refactor parts, to get a better developer experience. It is the first project where I didn't have a real onboarding session. The one responsible for this project left without a word or documentation. So I'm on my own here. Which is in some way also quite fun. The only downer here is that I have to use Windows and can't install neovim, because of some policy. ๐คท
๐ฆ We as a family visited the Jurassic World Exhibition in Berlin. Really impressive what they created there. Sure, as an adult you saw that it was not real, but they did a real good job on keeping up the illusion. Only the last part, where a T-Rex escaped, was rushed and ended in the merch store. It ended when you realized what really happened there. But nevertheless, it was good and I can recommend it.

๐ฅ I've made some progress on my private app project. The last milestone I've completed added some new features which put the project in a presentable state. Now I'm working on the next milestone, which will prepare everything for a small test release. Working on the last milestone also led to some ideas for new posts. Now I need time to write them. ๐
๐๏ธ After making my 15 min Kettlebell workout, I've tried a new workout, which is 20ย min long and exhausting. I feel awesome after the workout, exhausted but in a good way. Let's see when this will get normal, and I have to look for a new one, to boost my workout. Maybe I can increase the weight of the kettlebell, which is 12ย kg at the moment.
๐ I've added pirsch.io tracking to my blog: https://bruegge.dev/add-pirsch-io-tracking-to-write-as
๐ค After ~5 Weeks of not going to any concert, I was at a concert to see Escuela Grind and Rotten Sound: https://bruegge.dev/escuela-grind-und-rotten-sound-in-reset-club-berlin
The Bad
๐ค I'm kind of sick for more than a 1 week, not too sick to stay in bed, but sick enough to feel unwell by everything I'm doing. At the time of completing this post, I'm feeling way better. I hope this will last some time. ๐
The Ugly
๐ It will hunt me until it has an ending, going every day to the kindergarten to bring and pick up my oldest makes me feel unwell. Seeing the people responsible for rejecting the youngest drives me crazy. I'm not that kind of person who can deal with something like that very well. And I see no escape, besides waiting for the next year to come, where the oldest will be going to school, and we don't have to deal with this kindergarten anymore.
27/100 of #100DaysToOffload
#log #GoodBadUgly