Enjoy the detours!


I’ve bought me a Christmas present, a refurbished steamdeck and it arrived today. After unpacking and putting in the charging cable, I’ve started the deck. Sadly, I’m stuck in an installation problem, and I’m unable to complete the setup. 😢


Some days ago, my GitHub Copilot subscription ended, and I decided to switch to another paid auto-completion service.

Overall, I was ok with what GH Copilot delivered. But I heard a lot about the new kids in town and wanted to explore them. I was split between Codium and Supermaven and decided for Supermaven after their announcement that they will join Cursor.


Yesterday on 14/12/24, we went to these 3 fantastic bands. And there was also Chelsea Grin, which we watched from the background.

Vitriol, their bass player had quit the tour before, so it was more of a duet. I felt a bit sorry for them, but they did an excellent job. In the last two songs, the guitar players' string has torn and while the drummer continued to play, the guitar player changed to another guitar. I wish they had a full line up and were not the first band on this evening. Despite everything, we had a lot of fun with them. 🤘

Despised Icon, last time I've seen them was at the sucks’n’summer 2010 festival. 14 years ago. What a long time. So much has happened since then. Also for the band. They split up for 4 years and made 2 records which I love and listen to regularly. Besides one song they did not play, I was completely satisfied with the Setlist. They even played Retina, one of my favorite songs of all their records. ❤️ I hope they will play more shows in Germany in the future. Maybe they release a record in 2025 and go on a big tour. Who knows? 🤷 I'd be all for it.


tldr: Season 1 was a masterpiece and hard to beat. Season 2 was good in its own way and I had a good time with it. The difference is that S2 didn't catch me as emotionally as S1.


Standing with my barefoot sandals in a stream of water, on stones.

Today is a typical Friday. Instead of slowing down and preparing for the weekend, my Fridays tend to be extra stressful. Everything collides with everything. Normally, on a Friday. I would say that Thursdays are the calmest here.

I had countless meetings today. So besides of working out and preparing a new feature for a client, I was unable to get done more. I've looked into #AdventOfTypescript, googled some things but then, I was out. Today's topic was good, and I wanted to know more about it and how it is solved, but I had no energy for it.

Apart from work on my notebook and clients, I've ordered some wood for our cellar to make some boxes to hide cables and heating pipes. It will arrive next Tuesday. I'm a bit excited. Later, a friend came by and inspected our stairs. They are +30 years old and in some places rotten. I feared that I have to replace one whole stair stringer. But I'm lucky. I need to replace only around 10-15 cm. 🥳

On Monday, our floor impact protection will arrive. Made of rubber cork, a beautiful material. So, my holidays look like I will be putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Let's see if I will find time for the #AdventOfCode puzzles or my side projects. And I'm officially done with #AdventOfTypescript for 2024. Ah, also I've ordered a refurbished steamdeck, to add more on my plate for stuff I have no time for. 😅

56 of #100DaysToOffload


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I think, I've reached quite fast a point where I have absolutely no Idea, what I should do to complete this day.

Here is my current state, which is not a working solution.

type StringToNumber<T extends string> = T extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never;
type NaughtyOrNice<Name extends string> = Name["length"] extends 0 ? "nice" : "naugthy";
type FormatNames<Name extends string[][]> = Array<{
	[K in keyof Name]: {
		name: Name[K]["0"];
		count: StringToNumber<Name[K]["2"]>;
		rating: NaughtyOrNice<Name[K]["0"]>;


Nothing new here. Yesterday, I've completed Day 6 and wrote some code for Part 6. But know that AdventOfTypescript is also taking some time to finish, it feels like work. 😩


For Day 13, I will check out AdventOfTypescript and if the solution is not clear to me on first sight, I will discontinue it. I will then try to focus more on AdventOfCode. Because I don't see the benefit of the types they expect me to write. Yes, there is something to learn, but too far away from an area where I will benefit from. If AdventOfCode gets too heavy for me, I will focus on my side projects and try to gain some progress there. For January, I have something planned. 😎

55 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #AdventOfCode #AdventOfTypescript

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Since my last concert related post, I was on many more concerts which I did not blog about. I plan to catch up on this and write about them all. 😎

The evening started early at 6:30 PM and had a tight schedule. Which was helpful in my condition. Because I had slept less than 4hrs in that night before. 😅

Testament on Stage, covered in green and white lights. Testament, my personal main act that evening. They had an awesome energy, and they looked like they were up for it. They had fun and I had it with them. It is fascinating what a powerful voice Chuck Billy has despite his age. He could be my father. 😅 They played for 1hr, and it felt like 20 min. Aaaand they had a ton of guitar picks.

Anthrax on Stage, covered in yellow-green and red lights. Anthrax. I'm honest. I know the name of the band. I know that Scott Ian is their rhythm guitarist, and I see him a lot on social media. But I didn't know more about this band. So, I was curious what I will see and here. They started with a long video where famous people talked about them. The video was toooo long, and they had've could play it while they made the change on the stage. But anyway. The first songs came in and the voice of the singer was not what I expected. And then, they started the song “madhouse”. Which I knew from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Now, I was hooked. 🤟They played more than an hour. Around 70 min. It made a lot of fun watching and hearing them. Some Song I will definitely add to my playlist.

Kreator on Stage, covered in purple lights. Kreator, it was a short one. We watched 2 or 3 songs and then we left. I listened to a record of them from around 2017 (Gods of Violence) and they were better than expected. So planned to stay the whole show. But man, that was not my kind of show and sound. One positive point, their stage setting was the best on this evening. So, after 2–3 songs, my friend and I looked at each other and silently noded and we left.

54 of #100DaysToOffload

#live #music #concert

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https://toot.cafe/@danbruegge/113627528663963611 https://toot.cafe/@danbruegge/113634647472295596

Day 10

Bit manipulation. I like this topic. It hit the right spot, not too hard, not too easy. 👌

Day 11

Day 11 forced me to do some research. First, I didn't know what I should do. Then, I got it but didn't know, how to write the types. It is this kind of solution, I'm not doing really often. In the end, this is why I'm doing it. To get a refresher and/or learn something new. 😎



Finally, my first ⭐ for Day 6. It took me so long because I was out of time and also introduced a bug, while coding everything without running it step by step. This took a lot of time, and starting over was the best Idea.

Currently, I'm looking at Part 2 and have some Ideas, how this could be solved. Such an exciting topic and I need more time. 😅

53 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #AdventOfCode #AdventOfTypescript

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https://toot.cafe/@danbruegge/113622635786773947 https://toot.cafe/@danbruegge/113622656791503108 https://toot.cafe/@danbruegge/113622669697365751

Day 7

Day 7 gave me a bit of a struggle and I went with the easy solution by creating a union and hard-coded the expected array into the type. I'm sure there is a better solution, but I didn't find anything.

Here is my solution. So it is not wrong because it takes the test green. But we know that this will not mean that the solution is correct. :D

const createRoute = <
  Route extends
  | ["Atherton", "Scarsdale", "Cherry Hills Village"]
  | ["Detroit", "Cleveland", "Dayton"],
  author: string,
  route: Route,
) => ({
  createdAt: Date.now(),

Day 8-9

Like the days 1-6, they were effortless. I expect that the next days will be harder.


No real progress since Friday. I've looked into Day 5 and skipped it for now. I've started to write code for Day 6, which makes a lot of fun I'm not at the end. The last time I've looked into 2D Tile maps, was +10 years ago.

52 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #AdventOfCode #AdventOfTypescript

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I think this is the first time, the YouTube algorithm hits a nerve.

The Wolston Butchers channeling everything I love about Skatepunk or Melodicpunk. It's like all the great bands in this scene had a baby which grew up in perfect conditions.

Sadly, they are quite young and don't have enough output to fulfill my needs. 😅 But I'm all-in for every new release from them.

51 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #music

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