Pelletyze — Update #5

Finally, I was able to work again on my Pelletyze project. 🥳

The Bug

There was a bug, where the checkbox was not recognized and the formData I've sent to the server was empty. This feature worked in the past and I don't understand why it broke.

The Fix

Because I use the @radix-ui/react-checkbox and don't handle the state manually, I need to wrap with a @radix-ui/react-form. That's it. 😎

While I was working on the component, I also transformed it into a server component. Which was easily done, by using getTranslation() from next-intl instead of useTranslation and making the component asynchronous.

The bug was the reason I've implemented the delete-all Button. To save me a trip to the Supabase admin page and clear the table.

This was my Sunday contribution to Pelletyze.

10 of #100DaysToOffload
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