My Neovim Plugins #4 — conform.nvim

I love prettier, therefore, I need a plugin which runs prettier on file save for me. For this job, I'm using conform.nvim. This runs formatter like prettier, prettierd or stylua on my files.


return {
	event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" },
	config = function()
		local conform = require("conform")

			formatters_by_ft = {
				javascript = { "prettier" },
				typescript = { "prettier" },
				javascriptreact = { "prettier" },
				typescriptreact = { "prettier" },
				css = { "prettier" },
				html = { "prettier" },
				json = { "prettier" },
				yaml = { "prettier" },
				markdown = { "prettier" },
				graphql = { "prettier" },
				pug = { "prettier" },
				lua = { "stylua" },
			format_on_save = {
				lsp_format = "fallback",
				async = false,

Before, I was using null-ls, which is not maintained anymore. And with conform.nvim I've found a good replacement. :)

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