Advent of … — Day 1
In 2023, I've participated in the Advent of Typescript for 8 Days. Currently, I don't understand why I didn't continue with it because it made a lot of fun. This year, I've resolved to complete as much as I can in Advent of Typescript, but also to join the Advent of Code 2024 and do here also as much as I can.
Code 2024
For the Advent of Code 2024, I've decided to make it plain and simple with vite + typescript. To do more Test Driven Development, I will first write a test and add the code after.
Typescript 2024
Visually, Advent of Typescript looks really nice. They let you write and test your types inside the browser, which makes writing there quite satisfying.
I'll have set up a git repository, which I update after each Day is done. After the Advent of … is done, I'll publish the repo on GitHub.
Day 1 for both was basic. Let's see how the other days will be. I'm looking forward to that, they will be challenging, and I will learn a ton of new stuff.
45 of #100DaysToOffload
#log #adventOfCode #adventOfTypescript
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